Vaughan Laws was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. He picked up a DSLR camera in 2011 to photograph his young children, and quickly expanded his creativity to include light painting and macro photography.
His focus shifted to landscape and weather photography after he captured summer storms over Port Phillip Bay.
"I have always loved and been fascinated by weather and storms, but photographing nature for the first time truly hooked me," Vaughan shares.
In recent years, Vaughan has embraced drone technology, allowing him to capture unique aerial perspectives. He continually seeks to improve his skills and create fresh viewpoints in all his photography.
Vaughan's work has garnered attention from various media outlets, including the Herald Sun, Channel 9, Channel 10, The Guardian, and numerous tourism and government agency social media pages.
Recently, he was featured in a live interview with Fox News Weather in the USA, discussing his storm-chasing experiences with co-anchors Nick Kosir and Marissa Torres. He was also interviewed by the Daily Mail for an online article about his photography and storm imagery.